Walton Arts Center

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Q&A with Diavolo Dance Theater: Part 3

Today we're finishing up our Q&A with Diavolo Dance Theater. We have had so much fun getting to know more about this group of fascinating dancers, and we hope you have as well!

Diavolo will be performing two times this weekend; Friday, May 11 at 8pm and Saturday, May 12 at 8pm. As part of our 10x10 Arts Series, tickets to these performances start at only $10! We hope to see you here this weekend!

Photo by Kristi Khans

CaSon MacBride - dancer

1. How do you explain what you do to people that have never seen a performance or a photograph of your work?

When referencing Diavolo... I tell them i'm apart of an acrobatic dance company. Similar to cirque du soleil but with a more contemporary dance feel. And then I usually pull out my iPhone and show them our demo video.

2. What style of dance is your favorite to watch?

Nothing like watching really great classical ballet and smooth and groovin' first nations powwow dancing.  

3.Who is your artistic icon?

Bill Irwin 

4. Is there any part of Fearful Symmetries that you thought would be impossible to perform?

Jumping from Column to Column.... looks difficult. Though getting into the piece is also difficult ;-)

5. If you were not a performer today, what profession would you have chosen?

If I absolutely couldn't perform... I'd direct or teach. Lead and grow performers. 

6. Have you ever broken anything while performing?

No breaks but my third day with Diavolo I received 7 stitches just below my knee because of a mishap on Traj (the boat piece). And once while rehearsing a site specific piece with another choreographer I dislocated my ankle.  

7. If you can incorporated and object or structure into a performance what would it be and why?

A teepee. I think it would compliment Diavolo's Dreamcatcher and also bring a cultural element to already great work. There are alot of pieces to a Teepee which would make for great props to make choreography.

The poles, the ropes, the canvas... and then there's the structure itself. The idea of living, dancing, playing on something that is created before your eyes I think would be amazing. Not a structure built before the show off stage behind the curtain; but a structure that the dancers have to discover piece by piece and manifest with an audience. 

8. Diavolo: Fearful Symmetries is described as being inspired by surrealism. Are you influenced by any surrealist artists?

My background is in American Indian Dance... I think in order to believe in the supernatural and the magic within everything you have to live in a surreal reality. Sherman Alexie... if you could consider his work surreal would be one. 

9. How does nature impact your artistic process?

Nature is inspiration, calm, home... you can't exclude yourself from nature. 

And nature is simple, unforgiving, fearless. You can distill anything that happens on stage, the life of a performance, to the simplicity of what is found in nature. When you remember that you can look for inspiration to play any role through how "nature survives".  

10. Do you have a personal way that you try to live a more sustainable life?

An aluminum water bottle that I refill as often as is convenient. Turn lights off when I leave (and TV's). Trying to not take advantage of food, resources, and energy while traveling just because someone else is buying. And I use the low flow flush on toilets when I go number 1. 

11. What is your favorite healthy snack?

Pizza & Yogurt... eaten separately.