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Keeper of the Keys - Who will win Piano Battle at Walton Arts Center?


Whether or not they are friends in real life, mercy is the last thing on their mind when fighting on stage. Winning the audience‘s heart is the only thing that counts!

“The comedy-classical combat show of the affable German pair Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis returns after a successful debut. It’s serious Classical music in a whole new context – and you decide the winner!” (Time Out)

10x10 Q&A with Paul Cibis and Andreas Kern

Piano Battle is very different from a traditional piano performance - what inspired you to switch things up?

PAUL: Piano Battle started more or less by accident. We were both were in contact with the Hong Kong City Festival and there was only one concert slot left. The festival suggested that we share...

ANDREAS: And it did not take us long to discover that we definitely did not want to perform together! The fight was on and we decided to battle it out right on stage.

PAUL: To our surprise, the show was so successful that we were invited back and since then have been performing Piano Battle shows across the world.


In an energetic fight for acclaim, are there certain personas, techniques or creative flairs that each of you add to the show?

ANDREAS: I don't need anyone or anything else to win!

PAUL: Joking aside, we are no actors. On stage we behave according to our natural temperament. But it is a competition after all, and we have to give our very best at each  moment of the show, not only in performing but also in connecting with the audience. And for that you sometimes might end up emphazising a side side of your character to offer something really diffrent from each other. “Trust Your Ears” is all I need to say. If you do that, the right one will win.

ANDREAS: The difficulty of convincing every member of the audience and being flexible and creative in my responses to Paul is actually my favourite part. If the audience pays close attention, they will notice that the more emotional and exciting pieces are played by “Andreas”, and the winner will be obvious. “Stay curious”!


How does the audience affect each performance?

ANDREAS: Indeed, six rounds, no rules - and the audience decides who wins. In each round we play one piece of a similar musical style, trying to outperform each other. So everyone in the hall listen very intensely because they are absolutely in charge of the outcome.

PAUL: There is a master plan and depending on who wins a certain round, we will continue one way or another. But there is still a lot of flexibility, which makes it a lot of fun for us as well.

ANDREAS: We also have a proper improvisation round in which we spontaneously play with suggestions called up to us by the audience. And I always like to throw a surprise or two at Paul - just to keep him on his toes!


Pick 5 words that best describe your work.

PAUL: Let me tell you about Andreas: “Energetic”, “funny”, “creative”, but “flashy” and “loud”.

ANDREAS: My characteristics for Paul: “Traditional”, “calm”, “safe”, and “maybe charming”.


What is the most rewarding thing about being a part of this production?

ANDREAS: To meet so many nice and interesting people all over the world.

PAUL: To challenge myself almost every week.


What are some unique or memorable experiences you’ve had while traveling around the world to share Piano Battle?

PAUL: During our first tour in Australia in August last year, I wanted to jump under the piano as I often do during one of our encores, but I had forgotten that my piano was built with casters with iron bars between the piano legs. I was screaming in pain and laughing at the same time!

ANDREAS: Because of some corruption issues between the police and a theater in China we once had to escape from the police. Blues Brothers Style.


What message do you hope to send the world via your performance?

ANDREAS: Our competition is serious in the sense that we always go out on stage to win. But of course, music was not written for competitions and our battle is to be taken with a twinkle in the eye. We want to let the people know that a classical concert does not have to be boring.

PAUL: The audience has to listen very intensely because they have to make a decision and we hope that this close attention will also increase their enjoyment of the music. Our somewhat different and lighthearted format wants to brings classical music into the 21st century and hopefully creates interest among new audiences in classical music. That would be the best outcome.


What is the best advice that you have been given?

PAUL: Stop trying to think feelings.

ANDREAS: Being late for appointments is impolite. 


Whom do you define as visionary; and why?

ANDREAS: Beethoven - just listen to his last string quartets and you hear why.

PAUL: Stephen Hawking - he always had the future in his thoughts.


What songs, artists or genres of music are you currently listening to?

PAUL: Lot's of Billy Joel (The Stranger) and Sting (Ten Summoner's Tales), right now. I am also re-discovering more and more of Bred Mehldau's solo albums, he is such a classy pianist.

ANDREAS: Ariana Grande, Keith Jarrett Trio, Aretha Franklin, and Michael Bublé.

Piano Battle

DATE: Thursday, Jan. 30, 7pm


The brainchild of internationally accomplished pianists Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis, Piano Battle places the two musicians head-to-head on stage, charming and enchanting the audience with a variety of classical pieces by composers such as Chopin, Liszt and Debussy – and improvising tunes based on recommendations from the audience.