The Symphony - What exactly does a conductor DO?

This is a question that Paul Haas, music director of the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas (SoNA), has encountered many times over the course of his career.  He gives us an answer, in layman's terms, over on his blog - Paul Haas.  He's a very witty, entertaining writer, and you will enjoy reading his explanation to this oft-asked question. 

"So invariably, this happens. I’m at a party or gathering of some sort, and just as I’ve stuffed my mouth full of the ubiquitous cocktail peanuts, someone who’s found out that I’m a conductor will approach me and ask, 'So, no offense, but what does a conductor do? I mean, it doesn’t even look like the musicians are watching the conductor!' At which point, I point to my mouth to indicate that I am somewhat indisposed." 

Click here to hop over to Paul's blog for the rest of the story.


Artosphere, Arkansas' Arts & Nature Festival, was a great success last year, and we have already been busy planning what to do this season.  One of our main features will be an installation piece done by Patrick Dougherty

Combining his carpentry skills with his love of nature, Patrick Dougherty began to learn about primitive techniques of building and to experiment with tree saplings as construction material. Beginning about 1980 with small works, fashioned in his backyard, he quickly moved from single pieces on conventional pedestals to monumental site-specific installations that require sticks by the truckload. To date he has built over two hundred such massive sculptures all over the world.

One of the most fascinating things about Dougherty is the fact that he gathers all the sticks and saplings for each piece on-site.  Check out this article by Beth Goodwin, Walton Arts Center PR Manager, over at The Ozark Echo to learn more about Patrick and his installations.

Patrick was in Fayetteville a couple of weeks ago to scope out space and materials for his installation piece.  While he was here he stopped by KUAF to talk with Kyle Kellams about his designs.  You can listen to the interview here.

He also spoke with Becca Bacon Martin of NWA Media and was featured in her "What's Up!" article.

We are very excited about bringing Patrick and his work to Northwest Arkansas this spring during our 2012 Artosphere Festival.  You can stay up to date about the festival and the events surrounding it by visiting our Artosphere homepage



Walton Arts Center believes that music, art and live performances have the power to change lives. Serving as a catalyst for public dialogue, the arts bring people together through shared experiences. As a non-profit supported by people that value arts and culture, we feel it is our responsibility to share the impact we see every day. The purpose of this blog is not to promote events or sell tickets—instead, we want to provide an interactive place for creative brainstorming, inspiring stories, industry news and resources.