Bringing War Horse to life on stage

We are excited for the War Horse performances next week!  In preparation for the shows, we learned how the puppet Joey works from diagrams provided by The Washington Post.  The puppet is intricate and the puppeteers work hard to bring the horse to life on stage. 

Joey's Head

Joey's Heart

Joey's Hind

Joey's Characteristics The Evolution of Joey

To reserve your tickets for War Horse, visit our website, and to read the full article visit The Washington Post.

Q&A with DanceBrazil - Part 2!


We learned a little about the life of a dancer from Willians Ferreira last week, now Jorlan Gama, a member of DanceBrazil for two years, talks about capoeira, himself and dance. Thanks Jorlan! 

Catch Jorlan and the other DanceBrazil members in our next 10x10 performance Friday, March 1 at 8pm.

Jorlan Gama, a member of DanceBrazil 

 1. What is capoeira?  Explain the role of capoeira in the dances of the company?

Capoeira is a source of energy and inspiration.

2. How do the dancers train?

I can say really hard, 6 days in the week and 6 hours per day.

3. What role does dance have in the lives of Brazilians?

A beautiful display of our culture, acting as an important agent of social and educational growth.

4. What is your favorite thing about being part of Dance Brazil?

To be part of the most diverse dance company in the world and dance my culture through a contemporary view.

5. Do you have an artist you love that might surprise us?

I would say Deborah Colker Dance Company.

6. What kinds of art have been an inspiration to you?

Theatre, music and musicals.

7. Is there something you enjoy collecting?

The way of acting.

8. What has been a memorable place to perform and why?

At Joyce Theater, the energy of the audience is magnificent.

9. Was there some great advice you received as you began your artistic journey?

My parents, always guided me in this artistic trajectory.

10. What profession other than yours would you most like to attempt?


11.  Fill in the blank; Dance is____? live without barriers, embrace the infinite.

Watch Jorlan and the rest of DanceBrazil defy gravity on Friday, March 1!

Q&A with DanceBrazil

Rejecting gravity for over 30 years” – what a powerful claim! If you’ve ever seen DanceBrazil in action, you know how amazing their feats are!

These amazing dancers show audiences a fusion of Afro-Brazilian movement, contemporary dance and Capoeira, a traditional and complex martial art that combines dance and music. Interestingly, capoeira originated as a form of self defense! You can find out more in this article from The New York Times.

DanceBrazil will take the stage in Baum Walker Hall as one of our last 10x10 performances this season on Friday, March 1 at 8pm.

Willians Ferreira, one of the members of DanceBrazil, took some time to answer our questions about dance in his life. Thanks Willians!

 1. How do the dancers train?

I believe that the most important part of a dancer’s training is discipline and professionalism.

2. What is your favorite thing about being part of Dance Brazil?

DanceBrazil is known for being one of the most professional companies in Brazil. I am very happy to be dancing with the company this year.

3. Do you have an artist you love that might surprise us?

My inspiration is Desmond Richardson, of the American dance company “Complexions”.

4. What kinds of art has been an inspiration to you?

After dance, I like music a lot!

5. What has been a memorable place to perform and why?

It was in Miami because it was my first real professional dance job. It was a very emotional experience for me!

6. Was there some great advice you received as you began your artistic journey?

To always have discipline and to be professional no matter where or what you do in life!

7. Fill in the blank; Dance is _____? life and I love to do it!

Come see Willians and the rest of DanceBrazil on Friday, March 1!

Local children to star in The Nutcracker

Whhhhoo, whhhhoo Sorry, had to blow the dust off this ol' blog. But, today we're back with some exciting news!

A couple of weeks ago we held auditions for performers, ages 6-10 years, for the children’s cast of Moscow Classical Ballet's The Nutcracker, playing here Friday, December 21 - Sunday, December 23. We had a great turnout for the auditions, and all the kids were so adorable. It definitely made it a difficult choice! So, without further ado, here are the local children that will be in all four performances of The Nutcracker:

Brinklee Backes

Lillebeth Backes

Caroline Blake

Juliana Britt

Katie Drake

Julianna Ferguson

Madison Gates

Ella Kestner

Julia Rain Sowerwine

Olivia Wood


Ella Britt

Celeste Margnerire Dearnley

Congratulations to all! And a big thanks to everyone that came out for the auditions.

You can come watch these local performers during Moscow Classical Ballet's The Nutcracker, running December 21 - 23. After all, what's a holiday without Clara, The Mouse King and the Sugar Plum Fairy?

Q&A with Cantus

Have you heard the story of the Christmas truce of 1914? It centers on a remarkable World War I respite between Allied Forces and German soldiers in “no man's land” on Christmas, 1914. You can read more about it in this article from the Minnesota Post.

This incredible story is being brought to life on our stage as the next performance in our 10x10 Arts Series. A collaboration between one of America's finest professional male vocal ensemble, Cantus, and one the most innovative theater companies touring today, Theater Latte Da, "All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914" will be performed on Thursday, November 29 at 7pm.

Aaron Humble, one of the members of Cantus, took time out to answer some of our questions about this collaboration, and more. Thank you Aaron!


1. What makes this collaboration so special/unique?  

Cantus is a collaborative chamber ensemble and Theater Latte Da often brings elements of the workshop into the rehearsal room. Writer and Director Peter Rothstein brought all of the materials to the table but the show was really put together with all of the artists in the room. It's also rare to find a theatrical production where all of the music – feature pieces and underscoring – are provided by the human voice.

2. How has this performances influenced your thoughts and opinions about current wars?

I'm thrilled that these wars are winding down. But when we started performing All is Calm several years ago, there was no end in sight for either war. What struck me was that this incredible moment is now all but impossible: Brave soldiers walking into the middle of "no man's land" with their hands raised singing Christmas Carols. Even though they were enemies they shared many commonalities – even a few familiar tunes. As we've found ourselves involved in wars in the Middle East, it's a culture that is so unfamiliar to most of us: The language, the religion, and the customs. It's harder to find a commonality and thus easier to always view these fellow human beings as "the enemy." If any brave man or woman tried to lay down his or her weapon in a modern battle field, they would be shot if they tried to approach the opposing side. And in reality, most of the time they're not even in the same vicinity.  

3. How does the group prepare before each show? 

When we arrive at the venue we check in with the tech folks to make sure they don't have any questions for the basic tech needs of the show. From there we do a sound check and rehearse anything that might need a little tweaking for ensemble or timing. Then we have dinner together and get dressed. There's a wonderful camaraderie between the members of show.

4. What special traditions or rituals does Cantus have?

Everybody has their own routine. Cantus and the actors that come with us do not do any group rituals or routines other than a "huddle" before the show. We huddle together, give a few notes or words of wisdom and do our own version of "go team" with whatever someone calls out before the huddle ends.

5. Which musical artist’s voice do you find most captivating?

My all-time favorite singer is Fritz Wunderlich, a long dead German tenor. More recently, Ruth Ann Swenson and Renee Fleming.  

6. Last song listened to on your Ipod?

Hmmm.  Probably Herbert Howells’ Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis “Collegium Regale.”

7. What’s your favorite Holiday memory?

Every year we bring All is Calm to about 10,000 people.  In recent years, my favorite holiday memory is bringing a show that is poignant and not "saccharine" like so much holiday programming is today. Seeing how much this story has meant to people has been really inspiring.  

Cantus and Theater Latte Da in "All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914"

8. What kinds of art has been an inspiration to you?

More than I have time to list. More than anything, I'm inspired by art that speaks to people. Art that is meaningful, not obtuse. 

9. Is there something you enjoy collecting?


10. What has been a memorable place to perform and why?

Cantus once sang in a sculpture called the Sky Pesher at the Walker Art Museum in Minneapolis. It was as full as it could be with maybe 35 people. We did some improvising and there was just an incredible energy in the room.

11. Is there a dish you love to cook when you are home?

Most of us just love to cook when we're at home because we eat out so much on the road. I'm a big fan of turkey burgers. I'm always coming up with new ways to make them tasty!

12. Was there some great advice you received as you began your artistic journey?

A lot of voice teachers have a poster that says "if you're not practicing someone else is." It's not enough to be a great voice, you have to be a great musician and you have to be incredibly prepared. People don't have time to wait for you to catch up even if you're super talented!

13. Do you have a favorite sport or team that you enjoy watching and supporting?

I grew up in Northeast Ohio near Cleveland. If there's any lesson you learn there from professional sports it's humility... and knowing how to be a good loser!

14. What profession other than yours would you most like to attempt?

Maybe an architect.  

Come see Aaron and the rest of the Cantus group perform with Theater Latte Da in "All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914" this Thursday, November 29!

"Being Billy"

Last time we shared a video with you about "Finding Billy," and the process the Billy Elliot The Musical team goes through to find their leading role. Today, it's all about the Billy's! Let's take a look at what it's like "Being Billy."

Are you as impressed with these boys as we are? I mean, really, they're amazing. And to top it all off, they're so young! We are so excited to have this show here in Northwest Arkansas in just a couple of weeks. Come see Billy Elliot The Musical at Walton Arts Center Tuesday, December 4 - Sunday, December 9 and see how these boys SHINE on the stage!

Kylend Hetherington (Billy) and Rich Hebert (Dad) in “Billy Elliot the Musical.” Photo by Kyle Froman

Billy Elliot The Musical Giveaway!

Billy Elliot The Musical is such a fantastic show, and we are really looking forward to having it here in Northwest Arkansas. The New York Post called Billy Elliot "The best show you will ever see!"

Since we're so excited about this show, and we wanted to do a little something to shake up our blog...we decided to have a giveaway for Billy Elliot!!

It's super-duper easy to enter, and we will choose two winners who will each receive two (2) tickets to opening night of Billy Elliot The Musical on Tuesday, December 4 at 7pm. Just follow the steps below to enter, and you can receive more entries by completing the "extras" outlined in the instructions. The contest will run through Tuesday, November 27, and we will notify the winners by Wednesday, November 28. Good luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul - A crowd pleaser!

Last night was another awesome night on our 10x10 Arts Series! Eileen Ivers was AH-mazing on the fiddle, and Immigrant Soul was a fantastic band.

We had a great response from our patrons both during the show and after, at the post-show party in the lobby. Check out what they had to say:

Our next 10x10 Arts Series performance is on Thursday, November 29 at 7pm; Cantus and Theater Latte Da present All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914. Don't miss this inspiring production that recalls the remarkable World War I truce between Allied Forces and German soldiers in “no man's land” on Christmas, 1914.

Billy Elliot the Musical: Finding Billy

Fresh off our run of Shrek: The Musical, we’re getting excited for our next Broadway performance; Billy Elliot The Musical! Billy Elliot will be here for eight performances, beginning Tuesday, December 4, and running through Sunday, December 9.

A little background on the show for you: Billy Elliot is a small town boy in northern England, who finds his way from the boxing ring to ballet class. At 11 years old, Billy isn’t sure how to handle his surprising talent, but manages to shine with his community behind him.

Now, about those boys that play Billy in the show. Would you believe that many of them are just 'regular' kids? Not classically trained dancers, or professional theatre performers, but just boys that have auditioned when the opportunity arose in their town? We were fascinated by this information!

Here's a little peek into "Finding Billy."


Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul - Q&A

We are rolling through our 10x10 Arts Series this season. We're already halfway through the series lineup, and it's only November! Up next we have Irish fiddle player Eileen Ivers, and the band Immigrant Soul on Thursday, November 15. Ivers has been called "the Jimi Hendrix of the violin" by The New York Times, and “the future of Celtic fiddle” by The Washington Post.

Eileen Ivers We caught up with Eileen and the band a couple weeks ago to ask them a few questions before their arrival in Northwest Arkansas. We like to dig a little deeper into our artists, and find out the important stuff. You know, like their favorite beer, and the last movie they watched.

1. We love the fusion of cultures with your music; explain the creative process when collaborating with different cultures.

I like to stay true to the essence and spirit of Irish Music while bringing elements from other cultures which enhance the musical experience without diluting the original emotions and rhythmic sensibility.  Irish music and her people have travelled around the globe ...the music has often integrated with other roots music naturally and that is another dimension I like to explore.

2. What makes Irish music so popular around the world?

I believe part of it is the accessibility of the various rhythms and the honest emotions that people of all cultures can relate to.

3. Come on, tell us a story...

Once upon a time there was a little girl who thought the fiddle wasn't cool ...

4. What’s the bands favorite beers?

Eileen: Negro Modelo

Greg: Newcastle Brown Ale

Buddy: Top three: Guinness when in Ireland, ice cold Heineken anywhere else, O'Douls when a beer is untimely.

Lindsey: A Guiness is tough to beat

Tommy: Root

5. What’s the difference between a fiddle and a violin?

A violin has strings and a fiddle has straaannnngs ... Other than that, it's the style with which it is played. Although, I have heard Itzhak Perlman called his 'Strad' a fiddle!

6. Who are your musical inspirations?

My teacher from County Limerick in Ireland, Martin Mulvihill, but listening to great folks like Miles Davis, Stephane Grappelli, Jeff Beck and many, many others would have been influences as well I'm sure.

7. Most favorite place travelled around the world?

I have been blessed to play around the world, but, I have a special place in my heart for Ireland ...and the beauty of every corner of the U.S. of A. never gets old.

8. Last movie you watched?

Been awhile ...but, I enjoyed Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes.

9. What kinds of art have been an inspiration to you?

Being intrigued with mathematics I love Escher's works and the insightful book "Godel, Escher, Bach".

10. Is there something you enjoy collecting?

Always a fan of collecting handmade gifts from globel travels ...our home is a real ethnic wonderland.

11. What has been a memorable place to perform and why?

One of the more unforgettable moments has been guesting with The National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center with the late and great Marvin Hamlisch conducting.  My recently deceased father-in-law from County Monahan, Ireland recited his "American Wake" poem in the house of the decendant of Irish heritage ...poignant beauty in a magical performing arts center.

12. Is there a dish you love to cook when you are home?

Off the road there is nothing like home cooking ...a few hours of nurturing home made spaghetti sauce is a comforting night at home.  

13. Was there some great advice you received as you began your artistic journey?

Don't be afraid to improvise ...know the structure and theory then just jump ...

14. What profession other than yours would you most like to attempt?

While in grad-school studying mathematics I was on track for a career with NASA ...a dream job ...a different dream took hold.

Eileen Ivers & Immigrant SoulDon't miss Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul next Thursday, November 15 at 7pm. They're bringing a piece of Ireland right to your door, and you can snag a seat for as little as $10. See you there!

Letters Home - Part 2

Last week we shared a few stories from area military families that they sent in for our Letters Home ticket giveaway with KNWA. Today we've got the grand prize entry, submitted by Kathleen Villar, as we get ready for this Veterans’ Day weekend.

Congratulations, Kathleen!

Zach Kenney in Letters Home“The ability of one letter to truly change my entire life still amazes me.

In December 2004, I was a young teacher working tirelessly to stamp out ignorance, and hoping one day to be a wife and mother. I had written myself off as a spinster, despite my mother’s promise that this would be “my year.” I didn't have time to date, didn't have any prospects and was so picky I knew that Mr. Right just wasn’t in Northwest Arkansas.  Little did I know, he was actually halfway around the world, about to open a letter that would change our lives. 

A military brat, I had always grown up with a deep appreciation for the men and women in the armed services. In the fall of 2004, I learned about an organization,, which provided addresses of soldiers overseas who wanted mail or items for themselves and their fellow soldiers. They would post and you could choose where to send your letter or package. I began writing letters in October and continued through the holidays. I even encouraged my students to write letters. It was in December that I came across a posting that said,

‘I am representing my team of 6 soldiers. We are a fairly tight team. We live at a Provincial Reconstruction Team in Farah, AF. As of now we live and work in a cinder block structure that was built by the Afghans. We do have electricity and running water, so things aren't too bad here. It certainly could and has been worse.’

That night (Dec. 4, 2004) I sat down and wrote a heartfelt letter to that soldier thanking him for his service, letting him know that he was in my thoughts and telling him about my life here in Arkansas. I knew nothing about him, but didn’t care. I wanted him to know he was appreciated and his sacrifice was being acknowledged.

The holidays came and went that year. School began again and then on Jan. 11th an email appeared in my inbox from someone named Cody. I was shocked and hadn’t expected to hear back from my letter and yet here was a reply. He wrote me a long email about his family, his work in Afghanistan as a counter intelligence agent and his hopes for the future. I remember printing it out and taking it to my mom to read. It was an amazing letter and led me to want to know more about him. I admit it didn't escape me that he was single!

I emailed him back and before I knew it, we were corresponding each day, sometimes 2-3 times. We exchanged pictures of ourselves and our families.  I learned how to make short web cam videos after he sent me one showing me his living conditions. I showed him my living room and my dog. Then one night, I emailed him and instantly received a reply asking if I knew how to use instant messaging. I didn’t. Through email he guided me through the steps and that night we “chatted” for hours. Between mid-January and May we chatted almost every day, we talked on the phone when he could find a satellite phone to use, and I grew to know the man behind the letter.

We continued to chat and talk on the phone right up until his deployment ended. We planned for him to come immediately to Fayetteville and visit. Although we had already decided that we ‘liked” each other, we were adult enough to realize that a face to face meeting was a must before we took the relationship any further. On May 25th Cody arrived in the states and just two days later I picked him up at XNA. We spent Memorial Day weekend together and both realized that what we had was real, but we only had three days together.

Cody returned to his unit for deactivation and a move to Arizona, where he would teach at the military intelligence school. I left for a month-long teacher exchange program in China. We didn’t know exactly how we would make our relationship work, but we knew we wanted to be together.

It is true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I returned from China at the end of June with a whopping phone bill and hopes of a wedding in the near future. Cody had changed his plans to work in Arizona and had moved to Fayetteville. Cody asked me to marry him with a beautiful ring just one day after I returned from China. We had only been “together” for four days, but I had known him much longer and said yes. We married four months later surrounded by family and friends.

We have been married now for seven years and they have been the happiest years of my life.  We are now a family of four and I couldn’t ask for a more loving father for our children.  I continue to be amazed that through just one letter our paths crossed and I found my true love.”

--Submitted by Kathleen Villar

Cameron Harms in Letters HomeJoin us this Sunday, November 11 at 2pm to hear letters from soldiers, and gain a new perspective on the lives of our troops, at Letters Home!

Letters Home - Commemorating Veteran's Day Part 1

Walton Arts Center is having a special presentation to honor our nation’s troops this Veteran’s Day; Sunday, November 11. Letters Home takes the experiences of soldiers beyond the politics of war, and takes viewers into the lives of the men and women serving our country. The production is based on an HBO documentary and an Op-Ed article in The New York Times called “The Things They Wrote.”

We partnered with KNWA, asking area residents to share their stories and memories as it relates to war, and the service. Below are some of the pieces that members of our community shared.

Christian Blackburn & Lynda Shadrake in Letters Home“I met my husband after he was out of the Army almost a year. That was in 1990, and right before Desert Storm. After just a few months, he was called back. Fortunately it was over very quick and he didn't go overseas. He did however have all the vaccinations. Within months he started having pain and swelling in his ankles. As time went on it would come and go and progressed to his knees, hips and back. They tested gimmick several times and could not determine what it was.

After about 14 years of this they did diagnose it as rheumatoid arthritis. After research we found it was likely caused by the anthrax vaccine. We have filed and been denied VA disability 4 times because they will only pay for diagnosed issues. Even after all of that he would go back today and serve again if they would let him. He is an amazing man, husband and father to our 3 kids!”

-- Submitted by Dana A. Splichal

“My husband, Capt Sean Kreps is active duty Air Force. He decided to join after when had been married about 9 months. We just celebrated our 20 year anniversary this past June.

Over the years he has been all over the world and we have lived in many different places. I remember him being in basic training back in 1993 and we lived off letters. I would write him 2 or 3 times a day! Letters are the best gifts for our military! They lift their spirits and let them know they are loved and appreciated As we've spent more time apart thru the years and with 3 kids I thank God for technology!

When Sean had to live in Turkey for a year or was deployed to IRAQ we were able to use the computers to keep in touch. Email and Skype kept my husband close to me and up to date on everything with our three kids. He is now stationed in Fayetteville at the University of Arkansas with the Air Force ROTC.

My husband and family have sacrificed a lot over the last 20 years but the Air Force has given us so much along the way. I am so proud of my husband for serving his country.”

-- Submitted by Rachel Kreps

“My daddy was in WWII. My mother was in high school participating in a "drawing" for names to be pen pals with soldiers. She drew someone else's name but traded for Vernie Bartlett's name. For three years they wrote each other, having never met. When he returned to the USA, he immediately went to see his "pen pal". Five dates later, they were engaged. They were happily married 52 years before he passed away. It all started due to "letters home".”

--Submitted by Rosemary Butler

Check back in later this week to read the grand prize entry, and don’t forget to grab your tickets to Letters Home!

LaNisa Frederick in Letters Home

Shrek the Musical opening night review!

WOW. That's all we can say after last night's performance of Shrek the Musical. It was opening night, the hall was full, and the laughs were plenty! Check out our audience review, and we know you won't want to miss your chance to see this show while it's in Northwest Arkansas!

All your favorite characters were there; Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, Gingy - were you?

If you didn't make it last night, fear not! Shrek the Musical will be here through Sunday, November 4 and there is still time to get your tickets.

Pride & Prejudice - another win for 10x10!

Last Friday night we had L.A. Theatre Works' "Pride and Prejudice" on our stage as part of our 10x10 Arts Series. It was a sold out show(!), and from the buzz in the hall the audience loved the performance!

Here's a few comments we received after the show on our 10x10 sticky note reviews:

Thanks so much to everyone that came out for this amazing show! We always have a great time at our 10x10 Arts Series performances, with all the pre- and post-show activities, the fun drinks and our wonderful patrons.

Eileen Ivers & Immigrant SoulOur next show on the series is Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul on Thursday, November 15 at 7pm. If you haven't experienced a 10x10 show, we encourage you to grab a friend & come check it out. After all, with tickets starting at just $10, you don't have much to lose, but you have a lot to gain!

Shrek the Musical - are YOU ready?

The leaves are changing, the weather is unpredictable, and spooky scenes are out in full force, so you know what that means? Halloween is just around the corner!  And what goes better with Halloween than a big, green ogre? Shrek the Musical will be here October 30 - November 4, and we want to make sure you're ready for the show!

With the cooler weather, is there any better way to get in the Shrek spirit than baking your very own gingerbread men? We didn’t think so!

Gingy from Shrek the MusicalThe best ingredient in this recipe is a heaping spoon of attitude, so start channeling your inner fairy tale creature and let these delicious cookies transform you from angry ogre to sassy human in just one bite!

Once you’re snuggled up with your gingerbread men and a large glass of milk, try tackling these word scrambles and see if you’ve got your Shrek lingo down.

We’re very excited to kick off the Broadway series with such an entertaining show, and we can’t wait to see everyone in the hall. We'd love to see your costume, and encourage you to dress up any day you're coming to the show! To sweeten the offer, we'll be handing out a treat to everyone that dresses up for the show! Just stop by our box office when you're here, and they'll have your treat ready.

Shrek the MusicalTo find out more about this run of Shrek the Musical, and all the activities that will be going on during the week, visit our website. See all you ogres and ogresses next week!

Pride & Prejudice - Q&A Part 2

Yesterday we got to learn a little more about actress Jane Carr who will be playing Mrs. Bennet in L.A. Theatre Works' "Pride and Prejudice" this Friday.

Today we're talking to actor Nicholas Hormann who will play Mr. Bennet in this run of "Pride and Prejudice." Hormann has been in multiple television shows over the years, including "Seinfeld," "Parks & Recreation," "Desperate Housewives," "Bones," "Frasier," and "The West Wing."

Mr. Hormann was kind enough to take the time to answer some of our questions, and we're happy to share them with you today!

1. Fill in the blank; Theater is _____?


2. Is there something you enjoy collecting?

Coffee mugs of the theaters I've played in.

3. What has been a memorable place to perform and why?

The Barrymore Theatre, the Eugene O'Neill Theatre and the Helen Hayes Theatre on Broadway.

4. Is there a dish you love to cook when you are home?

Pesto with basil from the garden--served on almost anything, except ice cream.

5. Was there some great advice you received as you began your artistic journey?

Don't compare yourself to others.

6. What profession other than yours would you most like to attempt?

Music (piano). Or writer of short fiction.

If you'd like to see Mr. Hormann in "Pride and Prejudice" this Friday, we advise you act quickly as tickets are going fast. Hope to see you at the show!

Pride & Prejudice - Q&A with the cast

Last week we had two fabulous 10x10 Arts Series performances with Caravanserai: Majid Bekkas Gnawa Ensemble with Brahim Fribgane, and the legendary Tokyo String Quartet. Next up, we've got L.A. Theatre Works' "Pride and Prejudice."

You know we like to fill you in on who will be performing in our 10x10 Arts Series shows, and this time around we'll be in the company of some actors you will probably recognize.

Jane Carr will play Mrs. Bennet in this run of "Pride and Prejudice." Carr has starred in such films as "The Five-Year Engagement," with Jason Segel and Emily Blunt, and "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me," as well as the television series "Dear John."

Jane CarrYou know how we roll around here when it comes to our 10x10 shows; we like to give our visiting actors the third degree. Kidding! But really, we do like to pick their brains about a variety of topics. Carr took the time to answer a few questions for us, and here they are for your reading pleasure!

1. Fill in the blank; Theater is  _________?

Occasionally very good.

2. Is there something you enjoy collecting?

No, not much of a collector. I like antiquing though.

3. What has been a memorable place to perform and why?

Wyndhams Theatre London. My first West End show. I think the prettiest theatre I ever performed in was The New Amsterdam on Broadway.

4. Is there a dish you love to cook when you are home?

I love to bake almost anything.

5. Was there some great advice you received as you began your artistic journey?

Watch older, established actors and learn from them.

6. What profession other than yours would you most like to attempt?

The list could go on forever. The nice thing about acting is that you get to pretend to have a million professions.

Check back here tomorrow to find out the other recognizable actor that will visit Northwest Arkansas this Friday, October 26 for L.A. Theatre Works' "Pride and Prejudice!"

Caravanserai - Audience approved!

Last night we had the 10x10 Arts Series performance of Caravanserai artists Majid Bekkas Gnawa Ensemble with Brahim Fribgane on our stage, and WOW! What a night of amazing music, and bridging cultural gaps between American audiences and the Muslim world.

Here are some of the reviews we received from audience members after the show last night:

Join us tonight for another 10x10 Arts Series performance with the legendary Tokyo String Quartet, and broaden your cultural horizons!

Q & A with Tokyo String Quartet

After 43 seasons, the Tokyo String Quartet announced that 2012-13 would be their final season together. This group was officially formed at Juilliard School of Music in 1969 by founding members Kikuei Ikeda, violin and Kazuhide Isomura, viola. Other members include Martin Beaver, violin and Clive Greensmith, cello. We're happy to host them on their final tour this Friday, October 19 at 8pm.

Tokyo String QuartetTokyo String Quartet has played venues all across the globe, and has been featured on numerous television shows including "CBS Sunday Morning," PBS's "Great Performances," and even "Sesame Street."

They took time out of their busy tour schedule to answer a few questions for us, and we're happy to share them with you!

1. How many countries have you performed in?  Have you performed in every state?

We have performed in over 30 countries and all but two of the states here in North America

2. How do you best introduce new audiences to chamber music?

We try to program wisely, choosing pieces that we feel are relevant, that have a strong message for the public. We work with living composers and have commissioned many new pieces that have now become mainstream works in the quartet repertoire. We participate in a good deal of educational outreach and we are constantly working with young ensembles, helping them to forge their own distinctive styles. When we feel it appropriate, we give pre-concert talks and always encourage listeners to come backstage to ask us questions after the performance. We are always open to exploring different kinds of performance formats, open rehearsals, more informal venues, etc.

3. What will you miss most about each other when you retire?

Sharing a beer together after a successful concert! The rehearsal process, though occasionally thorny, can be an invigorating and stimulating experience. We will miss the exploration of new repertoire and of course the chance to revisit some of the most compelling masterworks ever written. 

4. Any surprising musical inspirations?

We all love our teachers, Henrky Szeryng, Ivan Galamian, Victor Danchenko, Robert Mann and the members of the Juilliard Quartet (from the 1960s) Dorothy Delay, Hideo Saito, Donald McCall and Boris Pergamenschikow. More surprising might be the creativity and originality of Frank Zappa! We all read widely, some of us are enthusiastic film buffs and for Clive, the German tenor Fritz Wunderlich is a huge inspiration. 

5. What has been the biggest challenge as a group?

We have had several member changes, so the process of integration has certainly taken a good deal of patience and commitment. Keeping our performance standard at an extremely high level and managing a broad repertoire requires a huge amount of effort. You are only as good as your last concert. 

Tokyo String Quartet 6. Less music, what other talents do you possess; what do you do in your 'spare' time? 

Martin is an enthusiastic golfer and aviation buff. Kazu and Kikuei are passionate Yankees fans. Clive enjoys cooking.

7. If you had only 60 minutes left on earth and had to spend it playing one pop song over & over, what would that song be? 

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody.

8. Do you have a favorite sport or team that you enjoy watching and supporting?

New York Yankees! 

9. What profession other than yours would you most like to attempt?

Martin - an airline pilot. Clive - winemaker. Kazu - violinist 

10. Is there something you enjoy collecting?

Kikuei - Japanese prints. Martin - model airplanes.

We hope you'll join us this Friday, October 19 as we witness one of the greatest quartets on their farewell tour. Come early for a pre-show creative conversation at 7pm with all the members of the Tokyo String Quartet. See you there!

Arts & Economic Prosperity in NWA

Exciting news is coming out of Northwest Arkansas! Just in time for National Arts and Humanities month, Americans for the Arts has released the economic impact results for nonprofit arts and culture organizations in Northwest Arkansas. At an Arts & Prosperity breakfast this morning, Walton Arts Center officials reviewed the study results and discussed the impact on the community.

The Arts and Economic Prosperity IV study was funded by the Walton Arts Center, Northwest Arkansas Council and the Bentonville/Bella Vista Chamber of Commerce, and there were 25 nonprofit arts and culture organizations that participated from Benton and Washington counties.

Arts & culture organizations generated $46 million in total economic impact in 2010, the year the study was conducted, compared to the previous study in 2005 that reported an economic impact of $16 million. That means during five shorts years and a down economy, the impact of the arts has almost tripled in NWA!

NWA arts and culture also generated $4 million in government revenue and supported 1,488 full-time equivalent jobs; almost double that of similarly sized regions. Even the total economic impact of $46 million was $5 million higher than in similar study regions. The study also showed that an arts attendee spends an average of $20 beyond the cost of their admission.

Arts and culture also have a tremendous opportunity to grow as a form of cultural tourism. On average, non-residents spend $36 on lodging, restaurants and transportation. The research showed that 76% of audiences surveyed at arts events said the event was the primary purpose for their trip.

Mike Malone of the Northwest Arkansas Council was among the speakers who discussed the significance of the findings. The Northwest Arkansas Council deals with infrastructure, and highways and water are typically what people associate with them, he said. However, when it comes to recruiting good businesses and talent to NWA, the area’s social and cultural infrastructure become equally important. “All of it matters greatly to building a better Northwest Arkansas,” he said.

Our President and CEO Peter B. Lane said a few words as well. "We have a large vision here at Walton Arts Center as we look forward to the expansion of our Fayetteville campus, the construction of a new facility in Bentonville and finding a permanent home for the AMP. If NWA arts and culture organizations have tripled their impact in the last five years, then what great things can we accomplish in the next five?"

Participating organizations: